Explorer's Club
Welcome to the TO-Extreme Explorers Club!
Thank you for your purchase of a TO-Extreme Rugged 'N Ready trailer. We hope that you are enjoying it and creating great memories. Owning a Rugged and Ready trailer automatically includes you as an Explorer Club member. We know through our own experiences traveling with a Rugged n’ Ready trailer that you will turn a lot of heads, draw a crowd at the campground, trails, or even the gas station. You will also receive inquiries about where the trailer came from, how to buy one of their own, how it functions. We hope you have many interesting, positive, and memorable stories to share with these people. We encourage you to offer them an "Explorer's Club referral slip". Please ask them to fill it out while you are discussing potential adventures. Keep the completed referral slip and return to us (mail or scan & email). When this person purchases a Rugged 'N Ready trailer of their own, we will reward you with a $100 TO Extreme store gift card.
The Rugged 'N Ready trailers that are already on the trails seem to be the most effective form of advertising we have found. We felt it was appropriate to offer the owners who recommend them a token of our appreciation.